Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rainy days, Best friends forever forever, and grapes!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The best part of this rainy day is that I skyped with my BeSt FrIenD today for the first time since I've been in Australia!  Lauren and I got to spend the week before I left together in Duncan while I was staying with my parents.  But it probably wasn't as fun as she hoped since she ended up packing my bags for me! I think my mother would agree with the statement, "what would I do without my Lauren?!" I had a blast talking to you and your house looks so pretty with all your Christmas decorations.  We tried to 3-way with Cemby, but they figured it out just as we hung up so we'll definitely all 3 chat next time.  We talked about everything from recent happenings to being separated in high school classes for being too "giggly" together!  There is never a dull moment with this duo or as my dad likes to call us, "the retardo twins." Love you Lauren.  You will forever be my BFF4E ;)

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